It’s important to have people you can talk honestly and openly with about what you’re going through. Turn to trusted friends, a support group, people in your faith community, or your own therapist. A good place to start is by joining a group such as Al-Anon, a free peer support group for families dealing with a loved one’s alcohol abuse. Listening to others facing the same challenges can serve as a tremendous source of comfort and support, and help you develop new tools for coping.

  • Binge drinking and heavy drinking often lead to alcohol use disorder , a condition affecting roughly 15 million people in the United States.
  • A mother is heavy with anxiety, worried that her son will suffer a drug overdose.
  • It is extremely painful to stand by and watch someone’s life be destroyed.
  • After an intervention, family members and friends follow through with their promises, such as not enabling their loved one’s drinking problem by financially supporting them.

Alateen is a similar support group specifically for teens who have a family member abusing alcohol. After detoxing from alcohol, they can transfer to one of our gender-responsive residential treatment programs. While living at our rehab center, clients participate in one-on-one therapy, group counseling, recreational how to do an intervention for an alcoholic activities, and a range of experiential activities. The next phase is outpatient treatment, during which clients continue rehab while living back at home. After that, we offer ongoing addiction support services designed to help individuals adjust to the realities of a sober life and prevent relapse.

Why Families Should Take Action and Plan an Addiction Intervention?

The Network of Independent Interventionists offers a listing of professional interventionists across the United States. When interventions are viewed as opportunities to vent and accuse the subject, their effectiveness is significantly decreased. Subsequent planning sessions with the professional interventionist or clinician will help to structure the intervention. In some cases, the person who is addicted isn’t ready or willing to accept responsibility for their problem. The intervention itself may set off additional behavior problems that can complicate the relationship between the addicted person and the intervention team members.

how to do a family intervention for an alcoholic

Ask other people involved to avoid enabling the destructive cycle of behavior and take active steps to encourage positive change. Research your loved one’s addiction or substance abuse issue so that you have a good understanding of it. If your loved one doesn’t accept treatment, each person on the team needs to decide what action he or she will take.

How To Stage an Intervention

It will feel like they are being ganged up on, not helped. The road to recovery can be full of twists and turns, but the love and support of friends and family can go a long way toward helping someone straighten out. Having a follow-up plan is just as important as planning the intervention itself, especially because the nature of recovery can be so daunting and call for a person to make so many major changes in their life. [Study on the perception of influencing factors in the course of alcoholism–a comparison among alcoholics, families, and health care professionals]. We also offer comprehensive Recovery Mentoring services that will make relapse far less likely. If one of our Recovery Mentors accompanies your loved one home from treatment, takes them to AA and follows through with all of the clinical aftercare plan for an intensive two week period, relapse is highly unlikely. How an alcoholic behaves and how a family is affected by alcohol is described in our drug abuse intervention section.

What does neat mean in alcohol?

A “neat” drink is a pure spirit, poured into a glass with no other ingredients added, not even ice. Whiskey is a very common spirit to drink neat, but that's different from a shot. A whiskey neat is usually two ounces, not chilled, poured directly into a NEAT glass.